Namespace AudioAnalysisTools.ContentDescriptionTools
This class contains methods which use functional templates to scan one or multiple files to obtain a content description. For consistency between recordings many parameters such as sample rate, frame size etc, must be declared as constants. In addition, the absolute values in the template description dictionary must be normalised using the fixed set of normalization bounds in IndexValueBounds. Note that each functional template uses one of a small number of algorithms to calculate a similarity value.
This class holds the results of content description for a unit of recording, assumed to be one-minute. The results are held in a dictionary.
This class holds info about provenance of a recording used to construct a template.
This is base class for both template manifests and functional templates. Most of the fields and properties are common to both manifests and functional templates. Manifests contain the template provenance. This does not appear in the functional template because provenance includes path data. This class also contains methods to create new or edit existing functional templates based on info in the manifests.
Templates are initially defined manually in a YAML file. Each template in a YAML file is called a "manifest". The array of manifests in a yml file is used to calculate an array of "functional templates" in a json file. The json file is generated automatically from the information provided in the manifests.yml file. A template manifest contains the "provenance" of the template (i.e. details of the recordings, source locations etc used to make the functional template. It also contains the information required to calculate the template definition. The core of a functional template is its definition, which is stored as a dictionary of spectral indices. The functional template also contains information required to scan new recordings with the template definition.
Each template manifest in a yml file contains an EditStatus field which describes what to with the manifest. There are three options as described below.